Industrial Deafness Claims Lawyer

Do you have an industrial deafness claim? vbr Lawyers supports people all across Australia in getting the compensation you deserve.

Typically takes less than 30 minutes.

  • Win more for less
  • No win, no fee
  • Award-winning team

What is industrial deafness?

Industrial deafness, also known as occupational noise-induced hearing loss (ONIHL), is a significant health concern that results from exposure to high levels of noise in the workplace. If you’ve suffered hearing loss due to workplace conditions, you may have a right to claim compensation.

Industrial deafness typically develops over time, often after years of exposure to loud machinery, equipment, or environments with excessive noise levels.

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Do you have an industrial deafness claim?

Working out whether you have a valid industrial deafness claim involves specific criteria. Here are the key factors to consider.

Industrial deafness can have a serious impact on your life. vbr Lawyers has your back in your industrial deafness compensation claim.

Here’s what your compensation payment can look like

The compensation awarded for industrial deafness claims varies from case to case, but a successful claim can result in a lump sum payment ranging from a few thousand dollars for minor hearing loss to over $70,000 for severe cases.

It’s important to keep in mind that there are deadlines for filing industrial deafness claims. For instance, in Queensland, it’s necessary to file while still employed or within a year of retirement. 

This timeframe is so important, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to get the compensation you deserve for your hearing.

What are the common causes and side effects of industrial deafness?

Industrial deafness can result from various work environments and conditions. Here are common causes and effects.

Noise-intensive industries

Workers in industries like manufacturing, construction, mining, and aviation are at higher risk due to exposure to loud machinery and equipment.

Hearing loss

Industrial deafness can lead to permanent hearing loss, impacting your personal and professional life.


Many individuals with industrial deafness also experience ringing or buzzing in the ears, known as tinnitus.

What can you claim for industrial deafness?

Industrial deafness claims aim to provide compensation for a range of losses and expenses, including…

The industrial deafness claims process

Talk with a lawyer

The first step is always a chat with an industrial deafness lawyer. vbr Lawyers will chat with you to find out all about your claim and how you’ve handled it so far. This conversation will typically take around 30 minutes.

Get a letter of advice

After your chat, you’ll receive a letter of advice. This should come within a few days of that initial step and will be written in a way that is clear and easy to understand. You’ll receive our list of recommendations for your claim.

Start the process

Once you’re ready to go ahead with your claim, we’ll get the process started. This process will vary depending on your claim and circumstances, but we’ll start by lodging the paperwork and notifying the relevant parties.

Our industrial deafness lawyers are a little bit different.

We’re proud of the unique approach we take to your industrial deafness compensation claim.

Win more for less

Lower fees charged, bigger compensation claims won.

No win, no fee

You don’t pay until we win. It takes the risk out of your claim.

Always deal with a senior lawyer

You’ll always deal directly with a senior lawyer, never the paralegal.

Work with an award-winning firm

Our industrial deafness lawyers are award-winning.

A compassionate approach

We know your claim is going to be stressful. We’re here every step of the way.

The opposite of the big firms

We don’t churn and burn through compensation claims. We take a considered approach every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is industrial deafness?

Industrial deafness is a medical condition caused by regular exposure to noise at work but can also be caused by even one particular noise exposure resulting in a loss of hearing.

If I have industrial deafness, what are my rights and entitlements?

Your rights and entitlements are covered by the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003. If you feel that you have suffered a loss of hearing due to noise exposure at work, a claim for lump sum compensation is available. The first 5% of your hearing loss is not compensable according to the legislation. An audiology assessment (hearing test) is required. A work history and a history of past noisy workplace environments must also be obtained. We can attend to this for you. You can make the claim at any time during your working life or within one year of your retirement from the workforce.

Are there any time limits for making a claim?

Yes. You need to make the claim while you are a worker for wages in Queensland or during a period of temporary unemployment or within 12 months of your retirement.

I have previously made a claim for industrial deafness 5 years ago but I think it has gotten worse since then. Am I entitled to make a further claim for the additional hearing loss?

Yes. For any additional or further claim, three years must pass between claims and for any further or additional claim, you are not compensated for the first 1% of additional hearing loss.

How will I be compensated if I am still working or able to work?

Assuming your claim is accepted, you will be compensated by way of a lump sum payment eg. $2,000 to $6,000.00 for minor hearing loss to say $70,000.00 for major hearing loss.

My claim has been accepted, will WorkCover pay for my hearing aids?

Regrettably not. The legislation does not require WorkCover or any self-insurer to pay for hearing aids which we think is most unfortunate and unfair. Other States and Territories in Australia pay for hearing aids for workers with industrial deafness. If you feel aggrieved by this, we recommend that you contact your local member of parliament and let them know you feel about this. You will need to pay for any hearing aids from your lump sum award.

If I retain vbr Lawyers to act for me, how much will it cost?

While every case is different, we will provide you with written advice and a proposal once we have considered the particular features of your case and once we have obtained an audiology assessment which will help us determine if you have any claim at all and the likely complexity and value of the claim. We will then propose a fixed fee which will ensure that you will retain the bulk of any lump sum you are awarded by the workers compensation insurer.

Will vbr Lawyers act for me on a 'No Win, No Fee' basis?

Yes. We act for our clients on a speculative or ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis once we have investigated and considered each case and after we have determined that the case is viable and should proceed.

Our lawyers have your back. Let’s talk about your claim.

Make vbr Lawyers your partner through your hearing loss compensation claim. A multi-award-winning firm with a stellar reputation, our lawyers have your back.

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Your state has been updated to QLD. Practice areas on compensation law have been updated.