Silicosis Lawyer

Get compensation for silicosis-related illnesses with vbr Lawyers. We’re here to support your silicosis claims in Brisbane and across Queensland.

Typically takes less than 30 minutes.

  • Win more for less
  • No win, no fee
  • Award-winning team

Silicosis is a lung disease caused by prolonged exposure to silica dust

Silicosis is a debilitating lung disease caused by prolonged exposure to silica dust in the workplace. If you’ve developed silicosis due to unsafe working conditions, you may be eligible for compensation.

Silicosis typically develops over time, often after years of exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust while working with materials like concrete, granite, or sandstone.

Do you have a silicosis claim?

Determining if you have a valid silicosis claim involves specific criteria in order to claim compensation from your employer or the stone manufacturer. Here are the key factors to consider…

There are three different types of claims

If you have been exposed to silica during your employment in Queensland, you will usually have three compensation options:

  1. Statutory claim with WorkCover Queensland
  2. Common law claim against your employer
  3. A common claim against the manufacturers/suppliers of the products you were exposed to.

Compensation is also available for dependants of persons who have passed away from silicosis. However, strict time limits do apply. Our silicosis lawyers can help you choose the best claim type for your specific circumstances.

Silicosis can seriously impact your life. vbr Lawyers has your back in your silicosis claim.

Common causes and effects of silicosis

Workers in construction, mining, manufacturing, and stonemasonry are at higher risk due to exposure to silica dust.

Lung damage

Silicosis leads to severe lung damage, causing shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pain.

Reduced quality of life

Silicosis can significantly impact your quality of life, limiting your ability to perform daily activities.

What can be claimed in silicosis claims?

Silicosis claims provide compensation for the losses and expenses that happen as a result of the illness or disease, including…

Medical expenses

Coverage for medical treatments, tests, and specialised care related to silicosis.

Lost income

Compensation for income lost due to the illness, including past and future earnings.

Pain and suffering

Damages for any physical and emotional distress caused by silicosis.

Rehabilitation costs

Support for necessary rehabilitation and medical care.

Other related expenses

Compensation for additional expenses related to your illness, such as travel for medical appointments.

The silicosis claims process

The process of filing a silicosis claim will vary based on your specific circumstances. Here’s how it works.

Chat with a silicosis lawyer

Start by discussing your case with our silicosis compensation lawyers. We’ll assess your claim and provide guidance for the process and potential outcomes.

Letter of advice

Within a few days of that initial chat, we’ll send you a letter of advice with recommendations for how you should proceed.

Legal representation

Once you’re happy to go ahead, we’ll begin the process. This typically starts with us notifying the relevant parties and organisations.

When it comes to silicosis compensation claims, we’re a little bit different.

At vbr Lawyers, we take a compassionate, determined approach to your silicosis claim.

Win more for less

It’s a maximised compensation claim with minimised costs.

No Win, No Fee

We offer a “no win, no fee” arrangement, providing peace of mind during the legal process.

An award-winning

You’ll get professional advice and representation from our award-winning team with extensive experience in silicosis cases.

Compassionate approach

We know living with silicosis can be challenging. We take a compassionate approach to supporting you through your claim.

Personalised service

We take an approach that is the opposite of the big firms. Our service will be personalised to your specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have been diagnosed with silicosis. Do I have a compensation claim?

Most likely, yes. If you have been diagnosed with silicosis or any other condition caused by occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica, there is a very good prospect that you will have a valuable claim for compensation.

Are there any time limits for making a claim?

Yes. If you were exposed to silica and you have been diagnosed with silicosis, you have 6 months from diagnosis to lodge a statutory claim with WorkCover Queensland. WorkCover will reject your claim if it is not lodged within six months from when you are diagnosed. If you are uncertain about your rights or the date of diagnosis, we are happy to assist.

There are no time limitation periods in which to bring a common law claim for silicosis in Queensland. However, very strict time limits may apply to other conditions caused by silica exposure including auto-immune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or scleroderma.

If your employment history and respirable crystalline silica exposure also cover other States and Territories, then strict time limits may apply. You need to move quickly to obtain expert legal advice to stop the clock ticking.

What compensation entitlements do I receive from a successful WorkCover claim?

A statutory claim with WorkCover only takes into account employment based silica exposure in Queensland. It does not cover exposure to respirable crystalline silica through self-employment.

If your WorkCover claim is accepted you will be entitled to receive:

  1. Weekly benefits or replacement wages;
  2. Medical expenses;
  3. Rehabilitation expenses;
  4. Travel expenses;
  5. Pharmaceutical expenses;
  6. Vocational assistance; and
  7. Lump sum compensation

If your condition has been medically certified as a condition that will terminate your life, you may also be entitled to a substantial lump sum award in the order of $700,000.00 to $800,000.00 depending on your circumstances.

What is a common law claim? Should I make a common law claim for damages?

A common law claim for damages is designed to put you in the same or very similar financial position you would have been in had you never developed silicosis.

To be able to bring a common law claim you need to have an accepted WorkCover claim and be able to provide negligence or legal fault to recover any damages or compensation.

We can assist you by considering the facts and circumstances giving rise to your work silicosis condition and advise if your claim has reasonable prospects of success. We are experts in providing this important advice.

If your common law claim is successful, you can recover the following:-

(a) Pain and Suffering;

(b) Loss of Wages or Income;

(c) Future Loss of Wages or Income;

(d) Past and Future Loss of Superannuation Benefits;

(e) Out of Pocket Expenses;

(f) Past and Future Medical Treatment Costs;

(g) Care and Assistance;

(h) A healthy contribution towards your legal costs which at vbr Lawyers will equate to at least 50% – 60% of your total legal bill being paid by the insurer.

Can I still make a claim for silicosis if I suffer from other medical conditions?

Yes. The impact on your health and wellbeing due to your silicosis condition can be isolated from your other medical conditions by expert medical specialists. Even if other medical conditions are present, the effects of silicosis can be identified and compensated.

How much will it cost in terms of legal fees?

We manage both the court claim and any statutory workers’ compensation claim on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis.

We will explain the likely legal fees upfront and from day one. We provide industry leading transparency regarding our fee structure and fee policy.

No matter what happens or at what stage your case settles, the professional costs will not under any circumstances exceed 30% of the value of the claim.

Fees are calculated on a time costing basis. We are confident you will find our fees and charges to be extremely reasonable.

Any liable party sued in a court action (employer/insurer/manufacturer/supplier) must always make at least a 50%-60% contribution to your legal costs. There is always a small shortfall that comes off any settlement sum, but we always ensure you recover the vast bulk of your compensation funds clear of costs.

Do you offer your services on a 'No Win, No Fee' basis?

Yes. We offer our services to our clients on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis.

At vbr Lawyers, our ‘No Win, No Fee’ policy is this:

(a) You will only ever pay legal fees for the work we do at the end of your claim and if and only if you win;

(b) We will fund and run the case for you and the legal costs will come out of your settlement monies which are paid by the insurer;

(c) In the very, very unlikely event that your claim goes to court and in the even more unlikely event that a trial is required and you lose, you would still pay us nothing but you are likely to be ordered by the court to pay the other side’s legal costs.

Our silicosis lawyers have your back. Let’s talk about your claim.

Make vbr Lawyers your partner through your silicosis compensation claim. A multi-award-winning firm with a stellar reputation, our lawyers have your back.

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Your state has been updated to QLD. Practice areas on compensation law have been updated.