Bus Accident Lawyer

Get compensated for your bus accident. vbr Lawyers has your back in bus accident claims in Brisbane and across Queensland.

Typically takes less than 30 minutes.

  • Win more for less
  • No win, no fee
  • Award-winning team

What counts as a bus accident?

Collisions between buses and other vehicles or objects, accidents caused by sudden stops or starts by a bus, accidents while boarding or departing a bus, or accidents caused by negligent driving by bus drivers. You can be a victim of a bus accident if you sustain injuries as a passenger on the bus or as a pedestrian, driver, or passenger in another vehicle.

Your bus accident compensation claim can be stressful. vbr Lawyers is here to get you the compensation you deserve. We’ve got your back.

What kind of injuries are most common in a bus accident claim?

The injuries you might sustain from a bus accident depend on the kind of accident, but here are some of the most common injuries we see.

  • Whiplash injuries to the neck and back
  • Head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Spinal injuries
  • Cuts, bruises, and lacerations
  • Soft tissue injuries, such as sprains and strains
  • Injuries to the arms, wrists, and hands
  • Leg, knee, and ankle injuries
  • Internal injuries and organ damage
  • Psychological injuries, including PTSD and anxiety
  • Burns and scarring from accidents involving fire or hazardous materials
  • Dental injuries

What can your bus accident lawyers help you claim?

In bus accidents where the bus driver is negligent and causes an accident, it’s covered under the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994, just like a regular car accident. For any bus accident where the bus driver is negligent and causes injuries to passengers or another car, you can claim compensation for any of the following.

Past & future medical expenses

Costs for GP visits, hospital stays, surgeries, X-rays, scans, and other treatments. This compensation covers all costs for treatments resulting from the injuries so far and anticipated future medical costs for ongoing injuries.

Rehabilitation expenses

Physiotherapy, chiropractic care, occupational therapy, and other forms of rehabilitation.

Past & future loss of income

Compensation for lost wages due to your inability to work, both so far and into the future.

Past & future loss of superannuation

Compensation for any superannuation lost previously and in the future from your inability to work.

Pain and suffering

Compensation for physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident. This can be up to $400,000.

Travel costs

Expenses for travel to and from medical appointments.

Past & future care and assistance

Costs for domestic help, such as cleaning, gardening, and home maintenance, whether paid or provided by loved ones. This can be care and assistance since the accident and as expected for the future as a result of your injuries.

Maintenance costs

Additional expenses incurred due to your injury, such as modifications to your home or vehicle.

Out-of-pocket expenses

Costs for medication, medical aids, and other necessary items related to your injury.

Psychological therapy

Expenses for counselling or therapy to address trauma or emotional distress from the accident.

Loss of enjoyment of life

Compensation for the impact on your ability to enjoy hobbies, social activities, and other aspects of your life.

Recovery of legal costs

In most but not all cases, you can recover around 50% to 65% of your legal costs from the CTP insurer of the at-fault vehicle

How much compensation do you typically get for a bus accident claim?

This is very much a case-by-case figure.

For example, let’s look at medical expenses. If two different people both claimed compensation for medical expenses, but one required surgery costing $10,000 and the other only needed physiotherapy sessions totalling $1,000, then the compensation amounts would be very different.

In the same way, the same injury can have vastly different impacts depending on the individual.

Factors like the severity of injuries, medical expenses, loss of income, and the overall impact on your life will have a huge influence on the amount of compensation you can claim.

Your bus accident compensation claim is time-sensitive. Here’s what you need to know.

There are strict time limits on how long after your accident you can claim compensation. Generally, you have three years from the date of the accident to file your claim. However, it’s important to notify the at-fault party of your intent to claim within nine months of the accident or one month of seeking legal advice.

We always suggest you act quickly and seek legal advice as soon as you think you have a claim. This way you can have the correct legal advice from the beginning of your claim and a better chance at gathering the right evidence for better success.

The bus accident claim process

Your bus accident lawyer at vbr Lawyers will take a unique approach to your claim. We work to make your claim as simple as we can.

Talk with a lawyer

Start the process by talking with a bus accident lawyer. This chat will take about 30 minutes, but we can take as long as you need. At this point, we’re working to get an understanding of your bus accident claim and what steps you’ve taken so far.

Get a letter of advice

Following your initial chat, you’ll receive a letter of advice, detailing our recommendations for your next steps. This should be with you a few days after that chat and will be delivered in simple-to-understand terms. If you still need to do so, we always recommend seeking medical advice as a first step.

Start the process

As soon as you give us the OK, we’ll start the claim process. This will look different for every bus accident claim, but it generally begins with the notification of the at-fault party and any other relevant parties.

What evidence should you collect when you plan to claim for bus accidents?

In bus accident claims, collecting the right evidence is really important. Of course, the bus accident lawyers at vbr Lawyers will help you collate this evidence, but it’s good to start thinking about it as soon as you think you might have a claim.

Here are some of the items you might gather to build evidence for your claim.

Accident details

Record all the details of the accident, including the date, time, location, weather conditions, and any other factors that might be relevant. If you’re able to collect photos from the scene, that can be good, too.

Vehicle information

Document the make, model, and registration numbers of all vehicles involved. If possible, obtain the drivers’ contact details and insurance information.

Witness statements

Collect contact information and statements from any witnesses present for the accident. Their accounts can be really valuable in supporting your claim.

Police report

If the police were called to the scene, get a copy of the police report. This official record can provide important details about the accident.

Medical records

Keep a detailed record of all medical treatments and expenses related to the accident. This includes GP visits, hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, and any other treatments.

Photos of injuries

Take photos of any visible injuries you sustained as soon as you can after the accident and during your recovery.

Insurance correspondence

Maintain a log of all communication you have with your insurer and any other insurance companies involved in the claim.

Proof of lost income

Record any lost income with supporting documents such as payslips, employment records, and any other proof of missed work due to the accident.

Proof of additional expenses

Keep receipts and records of any additional expenses related to the accident, such as travel costs, medical aids, home modifications, or other out-of-pocket costs.

Our bus accident lawyers are a little bit different

Your personal injury lawyers at vbr have your back. Let’s talk about your claim.

Make vbr Lawyers your partner through your bus accident claim. A multi-award-winning firm with a stellar reputation, our lawyers have your back.

State updated!
Your state has been updated to QLD. Practice areas on compensation law have been updated.